Shrub Watering Instructions
Please don’t rely on rain or turf irrigation alone to water in newly planted shrubs. If you notice something that doesn’t look right, please text or email us an image so we can help figure out a solution.
Days 1-3 after planting
For best results, water once a day for three consecutive days with a hose to soak the area around the shrubs.
Weeks 1-3 after planting
During this time, check to see that the shrubs are not getting over or under watered. Look to see if they are still wet from previous waterings. Also, look to see if the leaves on the plant are trying to fold or droop down, this would be a sign that they are too dry.
During weeks 1-3, follow the instructions below depending on the time of year your shrubs were planted
Water two times a week with a hose or dedicated bubbler. In sandy or rocky soil it may be necessary to water three times a week.
(daytime highs below 85°)
(daytime highs above 85°)
Water three times a week with a hose or dedicated bubbler.
Water two times a week with a hose or dedicated bubbler. In sandy or rocky soil it may be necessary to water three times a week.
(daytime highs below 85°)
Water once a week with a hose or dedicated bubbler, unless we are getting large amounts of rain. Don’t let the shrubs go more than a week without water.
(after first freeze and before last)